If your wife is frigid, she doesn’t feel anything during sex, she is in a lot of pain, then you have to help her fight her frigidity!.
If she is always dry, she does not cum at all, it will be difficult for her to have pleasure and it will even be difficult for her to reach orgasm.
When she loses the desire to make love, it’s a very serious problem, and you need to help her fix it.
This simple ritual will help you regain pleasure and marital happiness.
-Basil leaves
– Parsley leaves
– Lemon
– Honey
- Boil a few leaves of parsley and basil,
- Serve the infusion in a glass
- Add a few drops of lemon juice
- Add a tablespoon of honey
- Give your wife this drink 30 minutes before intercourse!
If she drinks this infusion regularly even if you’re not having sex, she will regain her libido and her pleasure and you will be the happiest man on earth.