The different types of dreams
Topical dreams
A type of dream that calibrates to reality, nothing supernatural or beyond basic imagination. The latter corresponds to a real environment, all in phase with the concerns of the sleeper. These dreams are a way for the brain to retrace the various events that have occurred during the day and transform them into memories. They also allow you to sort the different information collected, futile elements will be forgotten when you wake up.
Concomitant dreams
These dreams are probably consistent with the events that occurred DURING the dream of the sleeper, we then speak of an external noise which would coincide with a dreamed noise. Indeed, the brain perceives information from the environment during sleep and integrates it into the current dream.
Recurring dreams
We are talking here about dreams that repeat themselves, and appear several times in the sleeper’s “dreamland”. Almost any sleeper who remembers their dreams can find that some of them come back regularly over time, sometimes for many years. These dreams may vary slightly but the general pattern remains the same. They can relate to all types of subjects, although they generally have a negative connotation.
The nightmare
The nightmare is also a type of dream, although it is a bit different. We are talking here about a dream that occurs in the second part of the night, during “paradoxical sleep”, which is probably anchored in our mind and our memories, so when we wake up… it is a dream with a strong anxiety component that can cause disturbances.
Many researchers are questioning in particular the usefulness of nightmares for human beings. Some believe that these scary dreams are meant to get the brain ready to deal with dangerous or scary situations. By imagining them before such situations occur in reality, the brain would have a better chance of managing this situation as well as possible and protecting itself from danger. This would be one of the reasons why we tend to have nightmares about the situations that scare us the most.
Creative dream
It is a dream that is the fruit of your pure imagination. From artwork to revolutionary new technological concept, your creative side comes out amazingly. These dreams are an open door to a world and events that we could not experience in real life.
Lucid dream
Involuntary awareness during one of the sleep phases, the dreamer manages to control the content and progress of his own dream. A dream becomes “lucid” when the dreamer consciously realizes that they are in a dream without actually waking up. The ability to lucid dream depends on the individual, some people will never be able to and others manage to master this type of dreaming naturally. The dreamer can then modify the events of his dream and act according to his own will.
Premonitory dream
It would seem that these dreams depend above all on our ability to store information gathered during the day, sometimes even unconsciously, and to make deductions about events that have a high probability of happening in the more or less near future. These dreams would come from plausible scenarios made by our subconscious. We still have a lot to discover about sleep and the different types of dreams.