The 7 universal laws that could change your life

There are seven universal laws or principles by which everything in the universe would be governed. Once you understand, apply, and align with these universal laws, you will experience transformation in all areas of your life beyond what you ever dared to imagine.


The Immutable and the Mutable: Of the seven universal laws or principles, the first three are immutable, eternal laws, meaning they are absolute and can never be changed or transcended. They have always existed and always will exist. The other four laws are transient, mutable laws meaning they can be transcended or at least “best used” to create your ideal reality. This does not mean that you should ignore these four laws or attempt to defy them and even if you do, they will still govern your existence. Your goal is to master each of the seven universal laws and only then learn to overcome the mutable ones.


The Law of Mentalism (Immutable):

The first of the seven universal laws tells us that “The Universe is Mental”. That everything we see and experience in our physical world originates in the unseen, mental realm. This law tells us that there is one Universal Consciousness – Universal Mind – from which all things manifest. All energies and matter on all levels are created and subordinate to the Omnipresent Universal Mind. Your reality is a manifestation of your spirit. This is the true power of the mind.


If you understand that everything is mental, you know that you can take control of your thoughts and emotions and then you can change your inner world to change your outer world.


The Law of Correspondence (Immutable):

The second of the seven universal laws tells us “As above, so below, as below, so above”. It means that there is “harmony, agreement and correspondence” between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is no separation since everything in the universe, including you, originates from Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of the electron’s existence from the smallest to the largest star and vice versa. Everything is one. The temple of Apollo at Delphi referred to this great law of correspondence in the inscription “Know yourself and you will know all the mysteries of the gods and the universe”.


If you assimilate this, you can understand and release many of your positive and negative emotions. This law allows you to see each problem as a set of “manifestations”. When you understand and influence these manifestations, nothing feels impossible for you.


Principle of correspondence: “As above, so below”


The Law of Vibration (Immutable):

The third of the seven universal laws tells us that “Nothing rests; everything moves, everything vibrates”. The third and last of the immutable universal laws, tells us that “the whole universe is a vibration”. Science has confirmed that everything in the universe, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. The axiom “like energy attracts energy”, on which the law of attraction is based, has its foundation in this law. Everything we experience with our five physical senses is carried through vibration. This also applies to the mental realm. Your thoughts are vibrations. All of your emotions are vibrations where “unconditional love” (in the sense of love for another) is the highest and most subtle “hate” of emotional vibrations. You can learn to control your mental vibrations at will. This is the true power of thought.


By understanding this principle, you also know that a change in vibration brings about a change in manifestation. It means that you can positively influence your life by changing your vibration.


The Law of Polarity (Mutable):

The fourth of the seven universal laws tells us that “Everything is Double; everything has poles; everything has two extremes; like and unlike have the same meaning; the opposite poles have an identical nature but different degrees; extremes meet; all truths are only half-truths; all the paradoxes can be reconciled. »


It is also the first of the mutable or transcendent universal laws. This means that there are two sides to everything. Things that appear to be opposites are actually two extremes of the same thing. For example, heat and cold may seem opposites at first glance, but in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing. The same goes for love and hate, peace and war, positive and negative, good and evil, yes and no, light and dark, energy and matter. You can transform your thoughts from hate to love, from fear to courage by consciously raising your vibrations. This is what is said in the ancient Hermetic Teachings which is called the art of Polarization.


Rise above the Law of Polarity:


This principle of duality may seem very real in your life, but it only works in the physical and mental realms, not in the spiritual realm where all is one. As it says in the Bhagavad-Gita, by always emphasizing the “good”, even when things seem to be going “very badly”, in time you rise above the law of Polarity.


If you understand this principle, you know that if you change your vibration, then you can shift from pole to pole.


The Law of Rhythm (Mutable):

The fifth of the seven universal laws tells us that “‘Everything flows, in and out; everything has its duration; everything evolves and then degenerates; the swinging of the pendulum manifests itself in everything; the measurement of its oscillation to the right is similar to the measurement of its oscillation to the left; the rhythm is constant. »


This is the second of the universal mutable or transcendental laws and it means there are pendulum swings in everything. This principle can be seen in the workings of the waves of the ocean, in the rise and fall of the greatest empires, in business cycles, in the swaying of your thoughts of being positive or negative, and in your personal successes. and your failures. According to this law, when something comes to a point of completion then the backward motion begins almost imperceptibly until all the forward motion is totally reversed, then the forward motion begins again and again. the process is repeated.


Rise above the law of rhythm:


To transcend the swing of the pendulum, you must become aware of the subtle beginning of backward movement in any of your endeavors, whether it is to improve your health, finances, relationships, or any goal you want to set in motion. walking. When you feel the law beginning to pull you back do not be afraid or discouraged.


Instead, knowing that you are one with the Omnipotent Universal Spirit for whom nothing is impossible, keep your thoughts focused on your results and fight to stay positive no matter how this transitory law pulls you. Even if your efforts meet with failure, think of the comfort that under this same law, the upward movement must begin again. In time, your perseverance will be rewarded with backward movements that become less negative compared to your previous backward jumps and you rise higher.


If you understand this law, you know how to use this pendulum motion to your advantage; when things are going well, you get the most out of it, and when things are going badly, you neutralize this movement to suffer as little as possible.


The law of cause and effect (Mutable):

The sixth of the seven universal laws tells us that “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to the Law; Chance is only a name given to the misunderstood Law; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law,”


According to this law, every effect you see in your outer or physical world has a very specific cause that originates in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of the power of thought. Each of your thoughts, words or actions sets a specific moving effect that will come to materialize over time. To become the master of your destiny, you must master your mind for everything in your reality into a mental creation. Know that there is no such thing as chance or luck. These are simply the terms used by mankind in ignorance of this present law.


Your intentions are instantly created:


The law of cause and effect (Mutable):

The sixth of the seven universal laws tells us that “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to the Law; Chance is only a name given to the misunderstood Law; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law,”


According to this law, every effect you see in your outer or physical world has a very specific cause that originates in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of the power of thought. Each of your thoughts, words or actions sets a specific moving effect that will come to materialize over time. To become the master of your destiny, you must master your mind for everything in your reality into a mental creation. Know that there is no such thing as chance or luck. These are simply the terms used by mankind in ignorance of this present law.


Your intentions are instantly created:


The law of cause and effect applies on all three planes of existence – the spiritual, the mental and the physical. The difference is that on the spiritual plane cause and effect are instantaneous as they appear inseparable, whereas on the other planes our concept of time and space creates a disconnect between cause and effect. possible effect. Know that when you focus on your chosen goals with the intention of using creative visualization, what you want to create in the physical world automatically manifests in the spiritual world, and with perseverance, practice and as you continue to focus your thoughts, this will also come to materialize in the physical world.


How it changes your life:


If you understand this law, you know that chance does not exist and that you can influence your vibration, rise to a different level, change polarity, become a cause instead of an effect…


The law of gender:

The last of the Seven Universal Laws tells us that “There is a gender in all things; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; gender manifests itself on all levels. »


This mutable universal law is evident throughout creation in the so-called opposites which can be found not only in human beings but also in plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic poles to name a few. oppositions. Everything and everyone contains both masculine and feminine elements. Among the outward expressions of feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition, and gentleness and of masculine qualities are energy, self-reliance, logic, and intelligence. Know that in every woman are all the latent qualities of a man, and in all men those of a woman. When you know this, you will know what it means to be complete.


If you understand this law, you know how to recognize the action of the masculine and the feminine in you and in others as well as in everything around you. You can then create freely, releasing the “power to generate” from this principle.

The Law of Attraction as part of the equation:


You will notice that the Law of Attraction is not specifically mentioned as one of the Seven Universal Laws. This is not to diminish its importance, but rather to highlight it because the Law of Attraction is the fundamental law of the Universe which runs through all of the Seven Universal Laws discussed here. They all hold together. It is through knowledge of the Law of Attraction that one can rise above the mutable Laws of Polarity and Rhythm and gain a better understanding of each of the Seven Universal Laws.