– 3 green candles
– 2 brown candles
– 1 stem (or cone) of frankincense (or sage or cedar) incense
– 1 sachet of verbena for herbal tea
– 1 bag of green tea for herbal tea
– 9 pine needles (optional)
– 1 cinnamon stick (or ground cinnamon)
– 7 whole almonds
– 7 cloves
– 1 small piece of ginger
– 1 passport photo of yourself
– 1 glass bottle, green or amber, with hermetic cap
● On a First Quarter Moon, Last Quarter Moon, New Moon, or Full Moon evening, place the candles in a straight line, the three green ones between the two brown ones. Install the incense very close to the central green candle. Light candles and incense, starting with your left side and ending with your right side.
● As you collect your thoughts, empty the contents of the verbena and tea bags into the bottle.
● Raise your arms to the sky, stare at the photo and pronounce the following incantation: “I call on the divine Forces of the Universe. May They imbue this image with cosmic Energy which will allow me to succeed in my career. So be it! Then, extend the index finger of your left hand towards the photo, while staring at it and keeping your right arm pointing skyward. Hold this pose for 2 minutes.
● Then roll up the photo, face in, and put it in the bottle. Then add the pine needles, cinnamon, almonds, cloves and ginger. Present the bottle to the flame of the central green candle by pronouncing the following incantation 5 times, slowly and aloud: “With the help of the divine Forces of the Universe, I would like to succeed brilliantly in my career”.
● Then pass the bottle through the swirls of incense for 3 minutes, then add to its contents the ashes of the incense consumed until then.
● Close the bottle tightly and seal it with melted wax from the green candles. Install the bottle on a piece of furniture, in full view. The session is now over, but let the candles and incense burn until completely consumed.
● The bottle must remain in place for at least ten days. If possible, repeat the incantation “With the help of the Divine Forces…” each time you see the bottle or pass by it. Finally, bury it under a tree.