– 1 white candle
– 1 black candle
– Papal incense
– White sheets of paper
– 1 pen
– A small cast iron cauldron or a container that supports any combustion (be careful, choose a container that supports fire)
– Your most fervent sincerity in the face of the situation
– Your humility in the face of the situation
– Your FAITH



Royalty-free fear photos free download | PxfuelSit comfortably with your legs uncrossed and your feet in contact with the floor.
You must be as calm as possible before the ritual. Do some breathing exercises for this: inhale slowly from the sale, then exhale slowly with your mouth. Repeat several times by imagining your stress and your fears being expelled from your mouth during the exhalation. Stop when you feel much less stressed.
Then visualize all your fears and anxieties (like smoke or a black ball) descending from your head to the ground. They disappear towards the earth, releasing you from the negative thoughts and energies that torment you. Repeat several times until you feel relaxed.


Find a quiet place that can be used as an altar. A table or the top of a chest of drawers will do just fine.
Place the 2 candles, the cauldron, the paper and the pen, the cauldron and the censer there.

Visualize a white luminous sphere surrounding you for several seconds. Imagine that it is a sphere of luminous protection.
Light incense – preferably resin over charcoal.
Light the white candle and from the heart say:
By the power of the divine, with the support of Archangel Michael and my benevolent guides, as well as my guardian angels, now I am protected.
Light the black candle and from the heart say:
“By the power of the divine, under the protection of Archangel Michael, my guides and guardian angels, now all negative thoughts, dark energies and entities are gone forever. Now my being is purified”.


Woman Praying And Free Bird Enjoying Nature On Sunset Background, Hope Concept Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 97229054.Now feel the wings of Archangel Michael surround you, visualize them and feel his benevolence and gentleness. Tend your inner ear, and ask your guides and guardian angels if they are there. I am sure that deep inside you a little voice is whispering to you: “Yes, we are here”. It’s perfect, you can start.

Tear a piece of paper and write on it: “Negative thoughts and fears”. Burn the paper in the cauldron saying
Negative thoughts and fears are chased away and go up in smoke
. See how your negative thoughts and fears turn to ashes and disappear. Be contemplative during this process.

Tear up a piece of paper and write on it: “Bad Intentions Aimed at Me”. Burn the paper in the cauldron saying
Evil intentions meant for me are chased away and go up in smoke
. See how bad intentions turn to ashes and disappear. Be contemplative during this process.

On a sheet of paper, write down what you want to happen in this way:
:I ask the divine, Archangel Michael,  my guides and guardian angels to make my wish come true: (describe your wish). Thank you. If it’s right, so be it”.

Read your request, several times, imagining your wish fulfilled. Feel in your heart and your flesh the happiness it brings you. Keep that feeling of joy alive for as long as possible.

Make a request for accompaniment to your guardian angels and your guides. Ask them to help you make the best choices to achieve your wish, and to send you signs as soon as you start to doubt. Be certain that at the next negative thought, they will be there to reassure you with a small sign, or by whispering in your ear (indoors) that everything is perfect, and therefore that there is no need to to worry.


350+ Hope Pictures | Download Free Images on UnsplashThank the divine, your guardian angels and your guides for their listening and their support. Then, imagine the white sphere of protection opening up towards the jump to disappear. Extinguish the candles (black first) with 2 wet fingers or by smothering the flame (with a glass for example). Let the incense burn (always under your supervision) and check that nothing is burning in your cauldron. You can bury or dispose of the ashes. Keep the paper with your wish on your altar if you wish to repeat the ritual. Otherwise, keep it near you or under your pillow.

Now let go. Your angels and guides take care of everything.
If necessary perform this ritual 1 to 2 times a day (morning and evening)