
– 3 candles (2 yellow and 1 white) plus the holders.
– The incense holder or censer and vanilla incense.                                                                                             – An emerald stone.
– The cup, which will be utilized for the enchanted mixture.
– The ringer or a little spoon, to check the start and the finish of the custom.
– A case of matches: this will be utilized to light candles and incense. I don’t suggest the lighter.
– A key to the front entryway of a house or a condo, it doesn’t make any difference on the off chance that it’s yours.
– A piece of not excessively thick rope or kitchen string around 30 centimeters in length.
– At long last, think about the mixture of luckhttps://radionumydia.com/luck-potion/ , with which you will fill the cup.

How to purify and dress?
Regardless, it is vital to purge yourself prior to playing out a custom. You should simply clean up or a shower and wash yourself completely.

By and by, I suggest a shower. You can add shower salt to the water, paying little heed to the aroma. It will likewise cause you to loosen up more without any problem. Apply your favorite perfume.

Then, at that point, pick white garments. They should be totally spotless. A shirt, jeans or rode will do. I suggest a free outfit, in regular materials, for instance cotton or cloth.

Establishment of the special stepped area

The special stepped area is the household item where the custom will happen to hold up. To regard custom, a platform table is for the most part utilized. This is a round table. There are various statures, it will rely upon whether the ceremonies are performed standing or sitting.

Then again, on the off chance that you don’t have a platform table, you can utilize a little table or a work area. Interestingly, you are easily introduced during the customs.

Likewise with all white enchantment or red sorcery ceremonies, it will point toward the south. Unexpectedly, dark sorcery customs are arranged towards the north. I encourage you to utilize a compass to make certain of the direction.

The enchanted circle:
Initially, it was a circle drawn on the ground with a sweep of more than one meter. It is inside that the custom of karma will happen to hold up on the grounds that its motivation is to focus the energies. Obviously, you won’t follow anything on your floor. To supplant the enchanted circle, it will do the trick to represent it on a decorative spread that you will put on the table.

It will be a piece of white texture around 60 centimeters on a side. With a dark marker, you should draw a circle there, and inside this circle, a 5-pointed star (called a pentacle or pentagram), as in the figure underneath.

Consequently this enchanted circle will focus the energies of your custom to track down convenience.

The establishment of the components:
Introduce the candles: the vitally white flame before you, on the tip of the pentagram. Then, at that point, put the 2 yellow optional candles to the right and left of the principle candle, likewise on the tips.
Introduce vanilla incense on the right.
Place the cup containing the enchanted elixir on the left.
Put the emerald stone before the primary flame.
Place a teaspoon before the cup (or a chime assuming you have one).
At  last, lay the rope and the key in the focal point of the circle (see picture beneath).

cercle magique - sorcellerie

How to do the Luck ritual for lodging?

In the first place, ensure you don’t become upset. Without a doubt, on the off chance that you are intruded on during the custom, you should start from the very beginning once more. You are prepared ? So make yourself agreeable before your special raised area. You can stand or utilize a seat or rocker.

1- To begin, give a little tap of a teaspoon on the cup containing the enchanted mixture, or utilize the chime. This is to open the otherworldly service.
2- Utilizing a match (don’t utilize a lighter), light the candles from left to right and wrap up with incense.
3- Contemplate for a couple of moments, focusing on the objective to be accomplished. Try not to dissipate, you should have just a single objective and your target should be clear and exact. For instance, you should picture the pined for house or condo.
4- String the string or rope through the opening in the key, integrate the two finishes and tie a bunch.
5- With your right hand, take the string at the bunch, between your thumb and index finger. Then, wave the key so it turns tenderly clockwise over the incense smoke.
6- Concentrate for a couple of moments and imagine yourself in the convenience you want. At long last, return the way in to the focal point of the pentacle.
7- With your left hand, take the cup containing the mixture of karma and drink a taste, at last, set the cup back straight.
8- Repeat the enchantment spell underneath.

“Heavenly messenger Caliel of light and harmony, enlightening and sublime power,
I conjure your quality to go along with me in my festival and to luxurious upon me your gainful impacts.

I have faith in you and trust in you and depend on you.
May the exhaust of this aroma be for you, the vow of my acknowledgment and my appreciation.

By this chant, I submissively request that you draw in to me the opportunity to handily observe the convenience comparing to my assumptions,

I thank you for your essence, Caliel, may your energies return to the earth and to the sky from which they come,

So be it. »

9- Rehash the activities: 5 – 6 – 7 – 8  3 times without stopping.
10- At last, smother the candles from right to left. At last, close the custom: either with 2 strokes of the chime, or with 2 strokes of the teaspoon on the cup.

How before long will the outcomes come?

The useful impacts of this lodging custom will start on the very beginning and will proceed for 30 days.
When would I be able to do this ritual  for lodging?
You can do this ritual on Mondays and Wednesdays.