Ingredients of the ritual to win a lawsuit
The candles for this lucky ritual
you will need:
- 3 candles: For this ritual, the main candle should be a white, and 2 secondary candles should be yellow.
- vanilla incense. I advise you to use incense in the form of a stick, which is easier to handle. In addition, be vigilant about the quality of the incense, only natural incense will bring good results. For this ritual, use vanilla incense.
- The stone useful during this ritual. The stones used in rituals symbolize the element of earth. There are many, but only 4 will be used in the simplified rituals: Regarding this ritual to win a lawsuit, you will have to use the emerald.
In addition, this stone can be used outside the ritual, it will be enough to carry it on you to attract luck in the game.
Tools, materials, and additional ingredient
- 3 candle holders.
- The incense holder or censer.
- The cup, which will be used for the magic potion.
- The bell or a small spoon, to mark the beginning and the end of the ritual.
- A box of matches: it will simply be used to light the candles and incense. I advise you not to use a lighter.
- A sheet of paper from the current proceedings (for example from your lawyer or from the court).
- 7 coarse salt crystals.
- Finally, think of the potion of luck, with which you will fill the cup.
The preparation of the ritual to win a lawsuit
To begin with, it is important to purify yourself before performing a ritual. All you need to do is take a shower or a bath and wash yourself thoroughly. Choose loose, clean white clothes. I recommend an outfit made of natural materials, for example cotton or linen.
Installation of the Altar
The altar is the piece of furniture where the ritual will take place. In order to respect tradition, a pedestal table is generally used. This is a round table. There are different heights, it will depend on whether the rituals are performed standing or sitting.
On the other hand, if you do not have a pedestal table, you can use a small table or a desk. The main thing is that you are comfortably installed during the ritual to win a lawsuit for this particular ritual, it will face south. I advise you to use a compass to be sure of the orientation.
The magic circle:
Originally, it was a circle drawn on the ground with a radius of more than one meter. It is inside that the ritual will take place because its purpose is to concentrate the energies. Of course, you will not trace anything on your floor. In order to replace the magic circle, it will suffice to symbolize it on a tablecloth that you will place on the table. It will be a piece of white fabric about 60 centimeters on a side. With a black marker, you must draw a circle there, and inside this circle, a 5-pointed star (called a pentacle or pentagram), as in the figure below.
It is therefore this magic circle that will concentrate the energies of your ritual.
The installation of the elements:
- Install the candles: the main white candle in front of you, on the tip of the pentagram. Then put the 2 yellow secondary candles to the right and left of the main candle, also on the tips.
- Install vanilla incense on the right.
- Place the cup containing the magic potion on the left.
- Put the emerald in front of the main candle.
- Place a teaspoon in front of the cup (or a bell if you have one).
- Finally, place the grains of coarse salt on the sheet, in the center of the circle.
How to do the ritual to win a lawsuit?
First, make sure you do not get disturbed. Indeed, if you are interrupted during the ritual, you will have to start all over again. You are ready?
So, make yourself comfortable in front of your altar. You can stand or use a chair or armchair.
- To start, give a small tap of a teaspoon on the cup containing the magic potion, or use the bell.
- Using a match (do not use a lighter), light the candles from left to right and finish with incense.
- Meditate for a few minutes, concentrating on the goal to be achieved. Do not scatter, you must have only one goal: to win the case.
- With the right hand, take the main candle and run a few drops of wax, so as to cover the salt as a whole. Replace the spark plug in its place.
- Concentrate: visualize the day when you will know the court’s decision in your favor.
- Then fold the sheet in 4.
- With your right hand, pass the leaf through the smoke of the incense, gently shaking it, to finish, put the leaf back in its place.
- With your left hand, take the cup containing the potion of luck and drink a sip, finally, put the cup back in its place.
- Recite the white magic incantation below:
“Angel Caliel of light and peace, illuminating and glorious power,
I invoke your presence to join me in my celebration and to lavish upon me your beneficial influences.
I believe in you and hope in you and rely on you.
May the fumes of this perfume be for you, the pledge of my recognition and my gratitude.
I humbly ask you to bring to me luck and success, both spiritual and material.
I thank you for your presence, Caliel, may your energies return to the earth and to the heavens from which they come,
So be it”.
- Repeat the actions: 5 7 8 9 3 times without doing any poses.
- Finally, extinguish the candles from right to left. Finally, close the ritual: either with 2 strokes of the bell, or with 2 strokes of the teaspoon on the cup.
Note: keep the sheet close to you until the date when you know the court decision.
When will the results come?
The beneficial effects of this ritual to win a lawsuit will begin from day one and will continue for 30 days. This period is called the “bewitchment period.” It is during this period that the court decision in your favor must arrive.
If you get a result, it means you are receptive to white magic. Therefore, you can continue to use white magic for further benefits. I advise you in particular the ritual to protect yourself, it will save you a lot of inconvenience.
On the other hand, if you have seen a partial result, for example a half-hearted decision with an appeal procedure, this is certainly a sign of receptivity. In this case, do not hesitate to perform another ritual as soon as you know the date of your call. Indeed, the spells will accumulate and there will then be a good chance of obtaining the desired results.
If you see no results, it indicates a lack of responsiveness. Know that doing another ritual is possible but I do not recommend it.