-1 envelope
– 1 sheet of green paper
– Postage stamps
– 1 green candle
– 9 pine needles
– 1 small cedar twig
– 1 bay leaf
– 1 pinch of cinnamon powder
● On a Thursday evening, preferably during a Rising Moon, light the candle. Turn off all other lights in the room. By the light of the candle, write on the sheet of paper this sentence: “O my Guardian Angel, I conjure you to advise me and support me. Make sure that I have better relations with my in-laws. Thus be it !”.
● Concentrate on the flame of the candle for a few minutes, then recite the sentence 5 times, aloud.
● Put the pine, cedar, bay leaf and cinnamon on the sheet of paper. Fold the paper so that the ingredients are well trapped; use glue if necessary. Put everything in the envelope.
● Write on the envelope your surname, first names, postal address, and postage it sufficiently. Mail the envelope within 24 hours. As for the candle, let it burn until completely consumed.
● When you receive your envelope by return mail, do not open it but, for seven consecutive days, carry it on your person or in your purse during the day and keep it under your pillow at night. On the eighth day, open the envelope and spread the plant ingredients in a field or a river.
1. This ritual is particularly effective in its action to promote good relations with the in-laws.
2. You can replace the pine needles with 3 dried rose petals, and the cedar twig with cumin. On the other hand, all the plants concerned can be replaced by their powders or essential oils. These products are sold in herbalists, florists, pharmacies or drugstores and, of course, in esoteric shops.
3. The candle and the paper must be green, the color of hope and luck. As for the envelope, it is preferable that it is also green in color.
4. Thursday is dedicated to Jupiter, one of whose main influences is favorable to work.
5. The Rising Moon is the 14 or 15 day period from the New Moon to the Full Moon. The Rising Moon symbolizes or promotes ideal development, especially ideal career development.
6. It would be more effective to invoke your guardian angel by name, for example: “O Mahasiah, my Guardian Angel, I conjure you…”