Rosemary Eucalyptus Shower Bunch Hanging Ribbon Included - EtsyRosemary Bath

Take a shower.

Fill the tub with warm water, add 2 cups of Sea salt, 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and 2 tea bags of chamomile tea.

Let the negativity wash away with bath water.



4 Reasons Why You Should Have Lemon + Salt in Your KitchenCitrus Aura cleanse

Cut a fresh lemon in half. Sprinkle each half with plenty of sea salt.

Take a half of the lemon and move it over your body as you visualize how it pulls out the negative energy.

Repeat with the other half.  If you notice the lemon getting moldy over the next days, repeat the process with a fresh lemon.


SaskCulture ~ Smudging Spaces with Aaron TootoosisSmudge cleansing

Open all the windows and doors. Burn sage, mugwort and rosemary in a fireproof dish. Chant this cleansing prayer as the smoke rises.

“I command any negativity, any low vibrational energy, and nonbenevolent beings within this space to leave and go to the light. You are not welcome here. I command you to leave and go to the light.”

If you’re the target of the curse move the smoke all over your body.


Salt Circle - EtsyProtective Salt Barrier

Open all windows and doors. Sprinkle the salt on the ground then sweep the floors clean and thoroughly vacuum.

Mop the floors inside with a mix of salt and water. If you can’t mop the floors pour a ring of salt outside along the perimeter of the house.