Angelology is a divinatory practice that has come back in force in recent years. As powerful as it is relevant, it puts us back in touch with a form of high spirituality, a divine magic in the image of pentacles. Once you have entered into connection with your guardian angel, you will be able to rely on his support in any situation.
What is a guardian angel?
The saying goes that nine families of guardian angels inhabit heaven, according to a very precise hierarchy. Each is then composed of eight icons, or 72 angels in total. There are also 15 main archangels. As your ascendant can do, the angels underline a trait of your personality. Boosting your generosity, dissipating your anxieties, or promoting family attachment: they bring protection to the people they care for.
Summon your guardian angel: how to hear it?
Elemiah, Aniel, Daniel… To find your guardian angel, find your day and month of birth below. The time indicated corresponds to the most influential period to benefit from its support. But you can call him when you feel the need. Simply say his name three times aloud. Formulate your wish by viewing the color assigned to each family. Once your wish is fulfilled, consider thanking your guardian angel.
Born between January 1 and February 9: what is my guardian angel’s name?
The family of Archangels protects you. By providing discernment and sharing of knowledge, the archangels command what is below to be in harmony with what is above. Their color: purple.
- From January 1 to 5: Nemamiah develops courage and noble ideas. It brings prosperity to the home. The mind flees the routine to learn to renew itself in contact with its surroundings, and in an environment that corresponds to it. Nemamiah keeps loneliness at bay. His hours of influence are between 6:40 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- From January 6 to 10: Yeialel learns to tame time or to consider that time does not exist. The wish is formed but it needs to reach another plane to come true. Yeialel promises that with patience, the wish will finally come true. Smoothly and without haste. His hours of influence are between 7:00 p.m. and 7:20 p.m.
- From January 11 to 15: Harael is a benevolent angel towards women who wish to become mothers. Harael provides his proteges with effective means of acquiring the knowledge necessary to carry out their projects. He teaches and transmits information. His hours of influence are between 7:20 p.m. and 7:40 p.m.
- From January 16 to 20: Mitzrael offers his proteges the gift of observation. Visual and intellectual acuity that they can use to achieve their goals. In case of failure, Mithrael teaches how to rectify the situation to find the path that is intended for us. His hours of influence are between 7:40 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
- January 21-25: Umabel learns to be more generous. Under his pen, the light is revealed. His proteges have the mission to use it to light the way for those around them. The heart captures distress and relieves it. The mind understands the error and repairs it. His hours of influence are between 8:00 p.m. and 8:20 p.m.
- From January 26 to 30: Iahhel harmonizes reason and sensation, masculine and feminine; preserving the balance necessary for everyone’s development. It brings contrary energies together so that they can become complementary. Its hours of influence are between 8:20 p.m. and 8:40 p.m.
- From January 31 to February 4: Anauel develops a spirit of synthesis through observation and tolerance. It allows you to confuse your opponents before they attack. His proteges occupy scout positions. At the forefront, they anticipate the actions of those around them. His hours of influence are between 8:40 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
- From February 5 to 9: Mehiel develops writing and brings ease in writing administrative or legal documents. He is called the angel of printers. The mind becomes autonomous, both through its actions and in the way it clearly affirms its ideas. Its hours of influence are between 9:00 p.m. and 9:20 p.m.
Born between February 10 and March 20: what is my guardian angel’s name?
The Angel family is in charge of your protection. They are the benefactors of men. Ignorance plunges man into darkness. The angels light his way, but it is now up to him to bear witness to the light. Their color: green.
- From February 10 to 14: Damabiah is the angel of water. Cradle of emotions, he accentuates the sensitivity of his proteges. He watches over women, everything that relates to femininity, grace, and beauty. Successes are easily obtained thanks to an intuition that never deceives. Its hours of influence are between 9:20 p.m. and 9:40 p.m.
- From February 15 to 19: Manakel invites everyone to take breaks, through which they can recharge their batteries. Ideas travel in the mind and are constantly renewed. Just because anything is possible, and success is within reach does not mean you cannot stop. Its hours of influence are between 9:40 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
- From February 20 to 24: Eyael invites his protégés to delve into their childhood to find an innocence they thought was lost. Light appears to the mind that is not blinded by negative thoughts. Eyael teaches how to find your own bearings internally. Its hours of influence are between 10 p.m. and 10:20 p.m.
- From February 25 to 29: Habuhiah helps his proteges get rid of their dead skin. Bodies and minds have similar needs. Need to recharge, need to renew. The mutation takes place on the physical level as well as on the intellectual level, gently. Its hours of influence are between 10:20 p.m. and 10:40 p.m.
- From March 1 to 5: Rochel encourages his protégés to immerse themselves in the depths of themselves to bring back unsuspected treasures until now. The Earth is an inner sea or an ocean in which bathe all the emotions essential to our development. Its hours of influence are between 10:40 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
- March 6 to 10: Jabamiah develops this ability to capture all external sensations. He develops an aesthetic and creative sense that his protégés use in order to improve their living conditions. Its hours of influence are between 11:00 p.m. and 11:20 p.m.
- March 11 to 15: Haiaiel develops “clairaudience”. He learns to lend his ear to capture what others do not hear. The proteges of the angel Haiael are good at seizing opportunities, both in love and in work, thanks to their ability to listen. Its hours of influence are between 11:20 p.m. and 11:40 p.m.
- March 16 to 20: Mumiah dispels fear, dispels torment. In the hand of the one who created the rose, no one is afraid when he falls. He cushions the fall of his proteges by showing them how to turn failure into a positive situation. Its hours of influence are between 11:40 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.
Born between March 21 and April 30: what is my guardian angel’s name?
You are under the protection of the Seraphim. Occupying the highest rank in the hierarchy, the Seraphim, called sin burners, exert a purifying action on human thought. They are related to divine energy. Their color: gold.
- March 21-25: Vehuiah empowers you to embark on a personal business. It teaches you to channel your energy and use power for useful purposes. Vehuiah helps to pass competitions, exams and allows you to get a new job. Its hours of influence are between 00:00 and 00:20.
- March 26-30: Yeliel brings stability. If you doubt the realization of a Yeliel project, helps you to put your thoughts in order to clarify the situation. He calms the quarrels and restores the dialogue, in the event of procedure in particular. Investments are smart. Its hours of influence are between 00:20 and 00:40.
- From March 31 to April 4: Sitael makes your capital grow. It develops your practical sense and helps you find a quick solution to your problems. Generous, Sitael exalts devotion through selfless acts. You have nothing to fear from your opponents. Its hours of influence are between 00:40 and 01:00.
- April 5-9: Elemiah helps you start a new cycle by turning your back on a painful period. It infuses you with a combative energy to help you overcome hardships. Elemiah favors travel, travel. It shows the way forward. Its hours of influence are between 01:00 and 01:20.
- April 10 to 14: Mahasiah is a reconciling angel. It allows separated beings to come closer together. Curiosity of mind makes it possible to quickly assimilate new knowledge. Mahasiah helps you connect to the universe as well as to the people around you. He brings peace. Its hours of influence are between 01:20 and 01:40.
- April 15 to 20: Lelahel exalts your outer beauty provided that within you are touched by grace. It tends to harmonize the actions according to the expressed wishes. Angel of healing, Lelahel heals body and mind. Artistic careers are favored. Its hours of influence are between 01:40 and 02:00.
- April 21-25: Achaiah sharpens your intelligence. It helps you to solve the most difficult questions, to discover the truth behind any person or any situation. With Achaiah, you come out of the labyrinth and the darkness. Its hours of influence are between 02:00 and 02:20.
- From April 26 to 30: Cahetel is the angel of the home because he blesses your home, through the protective role played by the mother. Cahetel is a symbol of fertility, growth, and progress. Like water, which is the source of life, your mind is the source of promising new ideas. Its hours of influence are between 02:20 and 02:40.
Born between May 1 and June 10: what is my guardian angel’s name?
The Cherubim take care of your protection. They symbolize the faces of a crystal capturing divine light to redistribute it to men. They deliver a message of wisdom and love. Their color: silver.
- From May 1st to 5th: Haziel dispels all anxieties and provokes beautiful encounters. It helps to take a step back from events. If after having invoked him, you feel loved and appreciated by those around you, thank him three days in a row at the same time. Its hours of influence are between 02:40 and 03:00.
- From May 6 to 10: Aladiah helps you draw a line under your past without bitterness and with a peaceful heart. The body, like the mind, regenerates. By asking for his help, you heal your own wounds, but you can also relieve the people around you. Its hours of influence are between 03:00 and 03:20.
- May 11-15: Lauviah gives you courage to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Thanks to its influence, the image you project can radiate. Ask him to help you if you want to get a job, get a promotion. Its hours of influence are between 03:20 and 03:40.
- May 16-20: Hahaiah bestows supernatural gifts on those who invoke her. Or so they say. Hahaiah acts as a shield and protects against negative influences. In case of breach of trust, the truth eventually comes out. It inspires all artistic creation and makes it possible to have premonitory dreams. Its hours of influence are between 03:40 and 04:00.
- May 21 to 25: Memory is a door behind which the solution to the problem is hidden. Iezalel holds out the key to open this door and access the memories. He sees to it that couples are solid, sincere friendships and constructive associations. His hours of influence are between 04:00 and 04:20.
- May 26-31: Mebahel supports you if what you want is right. Everything starts from within. Words only exert real influence if they come from the heart. This is the message of this angel. It invites courtesy through marks of attention and consideration. Its hours of influence are between 04:20 and 04:40.
- From June 1 to 5: Hariel learns to tame time, to allow the wish to come true at the right time. Under the influence of Hariel, the arguments are convincing, and the actions find a favorable outcome. Contracts bring great satisfaction. Its hours of influence are between 04:40 and 05:00.
- From June 6 to 10: Hekamiah grants royal power to those who know how to hold their rank and protects against lies and betrayal. The thought opens more, the judgment becomes precise. Hekamiah allows you to know the true value of the people you meet along the way. Its hours of influence are between 05:00 and 05:20.
Born between June 11 and July 22: what is my guardian angel’s name?
You are under the protection of the Thrones. If we have to pay the price for our past actions, the Thrones teach us to understand and correct our mistakes. They are the messengers of light. With them, the tests become less heavy. Their color: indigo.
- June 11 to 15: Lauviah puts the spirit in a state of exaltation, through all the experiences lived. If the trials we undergo have a hidden meaning, Lauviah makes it possible to discover it. The mystery unfolds as knowledge and wisdom are acquired. Its hours of influence are between 05:20 and 05:40.
- June 16-21: Caliel is the Bringer of Truth. Under his protection, situations become clearer, projects move in the right direction. Any transformation takes place in serenity, through patience and perseverance. Caliel helps find his place. Its hours of influence are between 05:40 and 06:00.
- June 22-26: Leuviah makes the mind wise and wise. No need to look for what you can get, that is Leuviah’s message. The environment does not always exert a beneficial influence. You have to learn to become expert in your destiny to better honor your ambitions. Its hours of influence are between 06:00 and 06:20.
- June 22-26: Leuviah makes the mind wise and wise. No need to look for what you can get, that is Leuviah’s message. The environment does not always exert a beneficial influence. You have to learn to become expert in your destiny to better honor your ambitions. Its hours of influence are between 06:00 and 06:20.
- From June 27 to July 1: Pahaliah transmits the energy necessary for the realization of projects. It stimulates action, supports initiatives. Dialogue brings peace, but it is necessary to act for it to be lasting. Under the protection of Pahaliah, the gossips are silent. Its hours of influence are between 06:20 and 06:40.
- July 2 to 6: Nelchael encourages the spirit to take an oath, to assume its responsibilities, without deviating from its course. Effectiveness is measured in the field by using common sense. After all, it is by being faithful to one’s commitments that it is possible to change one’s destiny. Its hours of influence are between 06:40 and 07:00.
- July 7 to 11: Yeiayel learns to find the right distance between oneself and those around them. He unmasks the hypocrites and chases away the opportune ones. Yeiayel promotes contacts with foreign countries. It brings fame far beyond borders. He is a traveling angel. Its hours of influence are between 07:00 and 07:20.
- July 12 to 16: Melahel helps to realize that nothing is due to chance. Every action taken can have serious consequences. By discovering the cause of the problem, this one is half solved. Melahel dictates to everyone the conduct they must follow to find peace. Its hours of influence are between 07:20 and 07:40.
- July 17-22: Haheuiah brings good moral and physical health. The body releases emotions that it painfully contained until now, linked to a difficult past. The imagination is fertile, new ideas are transformed into concrete projects. The emotions are intense. Its hours of influence are between 07:40 and 08:00.
Born between July 23 and September 2: what is my guardian angel’s name?
You are under the influence of the Dominations. They make the link between matter and spirit. Thanks to them, the human being becomes aware of the riches that life offers him. They show him how important it is to be optimistic. Their color: blue.
- July 23-27: Nithaiah does not speculate, he learns to recognize the true value of everything. It promotes premonitory dreams and develops intuition. Under his protection, it becomes easier to find accommodation, to unearth a good real estate deal. Its hours of influence are between 08:00 and 08:20.
- July 28 – August 1: Haaiah brings insight into negotiation. It allows you to emerge victorious from a legal or administrative case. Moral force is exteriorized under its positive influence. Its hours of influence are between 08:20 and 08:40.
- August 2-6: Yeratel provides immediate solutions to problems. He cuts in the moment. Who is born under his protection is blessed by God. Every victory is earned through effort and focus. Optimism allows you to bounce back from failure. Its hours of influence are between 08:40 and 09:00.
- August 7-12: Seheiah allows the spirit to triumph over adversity. Providence does things well by manifesting itself at the right time. It offers great opportunities to seize without delay. With him, the projects grow, the personality gains in confidence. Its hours of influence are between 09:00 and 09:20.
- August 13 to 17: Reiyel learns to savor the present moment without giving in to chimerical dreams. When the intelligence rises, the spirit goes to meet its soul. Faith in one’s own abilities allows one not to fear trials. The success is exceptional. Its hours of influence are between 09:20 and 09:40.
- From August 18 to 22: Omael brings fertility: he gives life, through motherhood or the birth of a new project. It restores health and energizes the body. Omael encourages different generations to come together around a constructive and fulfilling issue. Its hours of influence are between 09:40 and 10:00.
- From August 23 to 28: Lecabel allows you to visualize the future, to capture the trajectory that you will follow in the coming weeks. When logic agrees with intuition, mountains rise, seas part to cross from one shore to the other. Its hours of influence are between 10:00 a.m. and 10:20 a.m.
- August 29–September 2: Vasariah boosts your speaking skills. The entourage is attentive to the speech, the exchanges are constructive. Vasariah gives the power to convince without offending. Vigor manifests itself through persuasive arguments and deeds. Its hours of influence are between 10:20 a.m. and 10:40 a.m.
Born between September 3 and October 13: what is my guardian angel’s name?
You are under the protection of the Powers. They teach not to be caught up in external influences and awaken in man values that benefit those around him. Their color: red.
September 3-7: Yehuiah protects princes who demonstrate great moral honesty with those around them. The machinations are foiled under his influence. It makes you bold and encourages the realization of the most original ideas. Yehuiah dare. Its hours of influence are between 10:40 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
September 8 to 12: Lehahiah allows associations to be sincere and fulfilling. Anger dissipates under his protection. The mind learns to be docile without allowing itself to be dominated by those around it. The spirit enjoys the absolute trust of those close to it. Its hours of influence are between 11:00 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.
September 13-17: Chavaquiah makes the spirit apply them to the letter. Thus, any project can be carried out without hindrance. The reconciliations are obvious. The resentment disappears in favor of deep and solid exchanges. The new rules are set. Its hours of influence are between 11:20 a.m. and 11:40 a.m.
- From September 18 to 23: Menadel promotes attachment to values, through solid family roots. Adaptability contributes to success. By understanding the cause of his mistakes, it is possible to free his mind and venture on more interesting paths. Its hours of influence are between 11:40 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
- September 24 to 28: Aniel promises the people he protects fame through hard work and great courage. It develops willpower, resistance to danger. The energy transmitted allows you to move forward in full light and without risk. Its hours of influence are between 12:00 p.m. and 12:20 p.m.
- From September 29 to October 3: Haamiah unites hearts and assures his protégés to find the ideal being who will be able to accompany them throughout their lives. The love stories are exceptional; they are long term. Haamiah exalts and sublimates the passions. Its hours of influence are between 12:20 p.m. and 12:40 p.m.
- From October 4 to 8: Rehael welds family ties. Parents and children communicate in a benevolent atmosphere. Rehael brings healing to the body, as well as to the soul. What can harm turns into positive energy. It protects against any external threat. Its hours of influence are between 12:40 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.
- From October 9 to 13: Ieiazel allows people born under his protection to take an artistic look at the world. Their universe is harmonious, warm, and exhilarating. It promotes careers related to the communication sector. He is called the angel of media and publishing. Its hours of influence are between 1:00 p.m. and 1:20 p.m.
Born between October 14 and November 22: what is my guardian angel’s name?
The Virtues take care of your protection. They are responsible for human desires. Man receives energy which he channels to carry out great deeds. The Virtues free his consciousness to find his true identity. Their color: orange.
- October 14 to 18: Hahahel encourages the spirit to detach itself from matter, not to be corrupted by money and power. Consciousness awakens in order to carry out noble projects. Hahahel provides teaching that must be inspired to evolve freely. Its hours of influence are between 1.20 p.m. and 1.40 p.m.
- From October 19 to 23: Mikael guarantees perfect success provided you remain true to who you are. The voice of people born under its influence often has a particular timbre. They are listened to, and their natural authority encounters no hostility. Its hours of influence are between 1:40 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
- October 24 to 28: Veuliah imposes a discipline that is not repressive. It allows you to act according to a precise method and with consistency. Veuliah is careful never to leave her proteges in need, but they must prove to her how much they deserve her support. Its hours of influence are between 2:00 p.m. and 2:20 p.m.
- From October 29 to November 2: Yelaiah lends a hand to those who are ready to fight to give meaning to their life. His proteges often receive the confidences of those around them. They inspire confidence and find the words that soothe. Supported by Yelaiah, the spirit regains confidence. Its hours of influence are between 2:20 p.m. and 2:40 p.m.
- From November 3 to 7: Sehaliah offers success in exams and competitions. He consoles hearts, restores courage, but no one should dispute his teaching. At the risk of relapse. Until the spirit agrees to submit to higher authority, it does not evolve. Its hours of influence are between 2:40 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- From November 8 to 12: Ariel manifests her presence to her proteges by sending them premonitory dreams. Just call him to receive a benevolent message in a dream. Ariel illuminates thinking and provides quick solutions to problems. It promises material success. Its hours of influence are between 3:00 p.m. and 3:20 p.m.
- From November 13 to 17: Asaliah offers a space of freedom in which the spirit draws constructive energy. It activates the opening that allows the heart to free itself. Behind the silence, hide all the words that we dare not speak. Asaliah makes it possible to decode the unspoken. Its hours of influence are between 3:20 p.m. and 3:40 p.m.
- From November 18 to 22: Mihael allows you to sense danger and find a way to avoid it. Mihael favors relations with the other sex. Social, friendly, or sentimental relations, exchanges are based on mutual trust. His hours of influence are between 3:40 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Born between November 23 and December 31: what is my guardian angel’s name?
Your guardian angels are nicknamed the Principalities. These angels are the creators of love bonds. With them, men must transmit love to each other. A mission that involves unfailing commitment. Their color: yellow.
- November 23-27: Vehuel brings compassion. It allows the mind to understand the suffering of others and soothe the torments. It promotes exchanges with the hierarchy. Skills are recognized for the benefit of a constantly evolving career. His hours of influence are between 4:00 p.m. and 4:20 p.m.
- From November 28 to December 2: Daniel is the angel of mercy; he dispenses precious advice. It reveals how necessary it is to forgive in order to then move in the right direction. Daniel guides the spirit and teaches it to make the right choice. It develops the gift of eloquence. Its hours of influence are between 4:20 p.m. and 4:40 p.m.
- From December 3 to 7: Hahasiah allows you to create a void around you to better recharge your batteries. Open-mindedness and intuition then favor the realization of more ambitious projects. Escorted by the angel Hahasiah, the spirit lays down its heavy baggage brought back from a painful past. His hours of influence are between 4:40 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- December 8 to 12: Imamiah purifies the mind by inviting it to sort out its ideas. It brings success in social and professional life. It is only when the task is done that love can express itself freely, like the blooming flower giving off its fragrance. His hours of influence are between 5:00 p.m. and 5:20 p.m.
- From December 13 to 16: Nanael. His protégés discover in them what they possess that is unique and exceptional. He then puts them on the path to unleashing their creative talent. He helps with delicate legal issues. Nanael strives to restore order. His hours of influence are between 5:20 p.m. and 5:40 p.m.
- December 17–21: Nithael promises his proteges long life and good physical health. It shows how to rise by going beyond your own limits. The mind discovers the wonders of the world around it. Nithael offers all that is most beautiful to who knows how to look. His hours of influence are between 5:40 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
- December 22-26: Mebahiah urges his proteges to walk towards inner light. Spiritually, he supports them in their quest and keeps them away from any basely material temptation. His hours of influence are between 6:00 p.m. and 6:20 p.m.
- From December 27 to 31: Poyel incorporates his proteges into a team, through an ever-growing family. It promises abundance and multiplies success. His hours of influence are between 6:20 p.m. and 6:40 p.m.