Energy cleaning must be carried out regularly and more particularly when:
– You feel a feeling of unease, a strange atmosphere, an impression of a heavy presence
– You often have nightmares, you have difficulty sleeping
– You feel particularly tired and unmotivated when you get home
– The atmosphere is tense in your home, negative thoughts and arguments are more and more frequent
– You have just moved into a place
– You are experiencing difficult events
1. White Sage Fumigation and Palo Santo Fumigation
Fumigation is surely one of the most effective ways to chase away bad energies that have accumulated in your home. White sage has been considered for centuries the most powerful herb for cleansing the body, mind and aura. It is a true gift of nature that allows you to protect yourself against negative energies and find harmony within your home but also within your mind.
Originally from South America, Palo Santo is one of the oldest incenses and still used today by Inca shamans to repel negativity, or purify healing spaces and places of worship.
This sacred wood has the ability to increase the vibration level and attract good energies within a place.
To carry out energetic cleaning with white sage or Palo Santo fumigation, first create a slight draft by opening the windows. Then light your stick and let the flame consume it until smoke emerges. Pass the smoke through each room of your house, along the walls, and imagine the negative energy coming out of your home. Provide a receptacle such as an abalone shell to collect the fumigation ashes.
2. The salt ritual
Salt attracts peace and prosperity. It helps to reset everything in life. A symbol of sharing, its use was sometimes used as part of rituals to seal great friendships, among Arab and Greek peoples.
Coarse salt has been used for centuries to combat bad energies. In Europe, a custom was to tie a small sachet of salt to children’s necks to protect them against the evil eye during their young years.
In Japan, the custom is to spread a little Shio (salt) every day on the threshold of one’s house or inside after the passage of an unpopular person. In England, having a large quantity of salt at home attracts fortune! Many people bring salt to a new home on the day they move in, a custom as widespread in North Africa, Europe and America. Some popular beliefs call for throwing the salt over your left shoulder, if it spills on the table, in order to protect yourself. Practically in all civilizations, salt has a sacred, protective or purifying character.
It is also a simple and effective way to carry out energy cleaning of your home. To do this, nothing simpler. Get some coarse sea salt. The larger the grains, the more capable they are of absorbing bad waves. Then place the salt in small containers, and place them in the corners of each room. Leave it on for 3 to 7 days, then get rid of the salt used during this ritual.
3. Purify your home with the Tibetan bowl
The Tibetan singing bowl is an excellent tool for energetic cleansing through sound and vibration. It allows you to release bad energies accumulated within a place but also within objects or people. The sound and frequencies emitted by the bowl during its use make it possible to diffuse hypnotic but above all positive frequencies, and to absorb the waves which are harmful to your well-being.
To clean, sing your Tibetan bowl in the corners of every room in your house. You can simply tap the bowl sharply with the mallet or slide the mallet along the top edge while adjusting the pressure and speed until the bowl sings.
Wait for the sound to stop completely before moving to the next corner.
If you do not have a singing bowl, and you want to use the sound purification method, there are many videos of positive frequencies on the internet. That of Meditative Mind perfectly reproduces the sound emitted by the Tibetan bowl, and allows energies to be released thanks to the frequencies of 417 Hz.
4. Cinnamon and vinegar
Did you know that cinnamon has purifying properties? Cleaning your home with the combination of cinnamon and vinegar is a lesser known, yet very effective, purification ritual.
In a bucket, mix water with 4 to 6 tablespoons of white vinegar, clean your floor with the mixture then throw away the dirty water.
Then infuse a few cinnamon sticks in two liters of water, heating over low heat. Clean your floor with the infusion then throw away the dirty water again while imagining the negative energies leaving with the water. The cinnamon will act as a shield.
5. Lithotherapy & protective stones
Certain natural stones have lithotherapeutic virtues which allow you to harmonize and purify the energies within your home, in addition to protecting your living space from bad waves.
This is the case of black tourmaline, a powerful protective stone, which will protect and repel your home from harmful waves. Place it at the entrance so that bad energies cannot enter. Lava stone has the power to control negative emotions. It also helps to chase away dark thoughts and excess anger and impulsiveness.
It is a stone that helps harmonize relationships within a home. Finally, tiger’s eye is one of the stones that is strongly recommended to have at home! It has the power to repel negative energies and protect against the evil eye.
Above all, don’t forget that stones are energy sponges! Take care of your bubbles of light.