This is how God warns you of the danger to come

Here's what lucid dreamers might tell us about our sleeping mindsDreams.
This is the method Heavenly Father uses most to warn people that they are about to encounter danger. I remember one night when I had an unusual dream. In this dream I saw two armies shooting at each other and I was caught in the middle of the fire.

Strangely in this dream, even though so many bullets were fired, none of them hit me and I woke up from this scary dream. For about half an hour, I wondered if I was going to be shot the next day. I prayed about this dream and left the matter to God.

The next day, as I was driving from work, police vehicles were chasing a car driven by thieves. The thieves stopped right behind my vehicle and fled. Police cars coming from two directions immediately fired at the thieves’ car and I found myself caught in the crossfire.

Fortunately, none of the bullets hit me. I returned home safely and remembered the warning dream God had given me the night before.

Intuitive Zodiac Signs: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Have Strong Intuition PowerThoughts and intuition.
Heavenly Father uses our thoughts and intuitions to warn us that something bad is about to happen.

I remember one night when I suddenly woke up around 2 a.m. and sat up in bed. Then the idea came to me to check our children’s bedroom window.

I obeyed this thought and went to the children’s room. When I pulled the curtain, I saw a thief standing in the middle of our compound. I turned on the alarm and all the thieves ran away.

Panne de Voiture : comment savoir quel est le problème ?Breakdowns.
Not all breakdowns are bad as you may think. Sometimes God uses breakdowns to keep us from moving and thus protects us from future danger.
The other people.
God can use other people to warn us of impending danger. The people most used by God are your disciples and God’s prophets. For example, God’s prophet may warn you against a certain journey. You could get in trouble if you go against this advice.


In Defense of Office Distraction - PropmodoActivities that distract your attention.
The Lord can protect you from danger by causing something to distract your movements or attention. I have read accounts of people whose movement to the World Trader Center in New York was mysteriously altered just before 9/11. God saved their lives with these miraculous changes in movement.


Why You Are Delayed: How Air Traffic Control Delay Programs Work -  NYCAviationDelays.
Not all delays are bad as you might think. Sometimes Heavenly Father uses delays in life to protect you from imminent danger.


Sudden reaction.
Our Heavenly Father may send his angel to make you react suddenly. For example, something may cause you to throw away poisoned food or drinks. On the other hand, a sudden reaction caused by an angel can save you from a future accident.