Before you begin to apply conspiracies for weight loss, it is worth studying in more detail the types and consequences of these powerful rituals. Rituals help with weight loss, which will be even more effective if you follow a light diet. In addition to losing weight, there is also general recovery and cleansing of the body. Such results can be achieved only if you believe in the rituals themselves, as well as the desire to get rid of excess weight. To choose a specific weight loss regimen, you need to know some of the most commonly used ones. What are slimming spells Any phrase spoken aloud can act in a certain way. Weight loss conspiracies are one of the types of positive self-training. These are words in a special sequence, saying that a person reprograms his psyche, which helps him to solve the problem faster. Plots are often made with personal items – combs, crosses, etc. You can even read some words in the toilet. Conspiracies are also the subject of products, for example meat or an apple. After reading, it remains only to bite off a piece and give the rest, for example, to a dog. A weight loss spell helps build confidence in the outcome and can also work like this: reduce appetite; normalize digestion, metabolism; get rid of excess weight, keep it under control; improve appearance; increase attractiveness; remove negative energy; change your attitude towards yourself; convince of its beauty, its harmony, and its health. Rules for conspiracies for weight loss There are many options for conspiracies that help to lose weight. They differ in a set of words and some features of the implementation. This is an indication of a specific calendar time or lunar day. Special pronunciation conditions can also be recommended. General rules for weight loss conspiracies can be represented by the following list: Lunar calendar. It is best to perform the weight loss ritual during a full moon or when the moon begins to wane. It will require less energy. Times of Day. You should not utter a plot of fullness during the day. A more favorable time is early morning or late evening after sunset. Day of the week. Mondays and Fridays are considered auspicious for reading conspiracies. Pronunciation technique. You need to read the text calmly, without stopping. It is best to learn the whole phrase by heart.

Mystery of the ritual

It is important that the weight loss ritual be performed alone. It is wrong to talk about an individual ritual even to close people. Anyone can laugh at the plot, and it often brings the mood down. The power of ritual. It only makes sense if you believe the words spoken. You should only think about what you want, and that is about losing weight. Strong conspiracy to lose weight The ritual associated with voodoo magic is considered the most effective. Such an ancient cult paid a lot of attention to the health and beauty of the human body. For this reason, it is considered effective.

A strong conspiracy to lose weight is carried out as follows: Take a piece of hard dough, clay, or wax. Blind from the material a small figure of a full person – a doll. Add a drop of tears, sweat or your hair. Then start reading a conspiracy for slimming – “I pinch my sides – I kill fat, I burn fat – I drive out gluttony. Small food – belly to please. While reading, alternately with your right hand and left hand, pinch pieces of the hips, waist, or other problem areas as you see fit. When the dream figure is modeled, collect the remains, wrap them in fabric and burn them. The doll is hidden in a safe place where no one can find her. waning moon conspiracy the mysterious power of the moon can also help you lose weight. It is important to wait until it begins to decrease. At this time, you can perform a ritual.

The waning moon chart is as follows: Fill a glass with water, step out onto a balcony, onto the street, or simply stand in front of an open window. Place your hands with a container next to the solar plexus, try to feel the action of the moon. If closed, look at the glass itself. Further, without taking your eyes off, say the following words – “The waning moon – so that I lose weight, the moon – beautiful horns, I have a slender body. My word. The moon is your business.” Repeat 9 more times, then return to the room.

Do this for 9 nights in a row.

Conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon Another strong ceremony is performed, on the contrary, during the growing moon. You just need to patiently follow all the rules. It is necessary to read the plot daily for 13 days. It is advisable to retire to a room for this, preferably around midnight. There should be dim light in the room, for example, from a wall lamp or floor lamp. During reading, it is important to interrupt the entire thought process, thinking only about the spoken words.

The ultimate diet to lose weight fastThe conspiracy to lose weight on the growing moon itself is a whisper of the following text: “As fire melts wax, so the moon shall enter my flesh. Cleans grease, melts the sides. Excess weight will come off like a mad demon. There will be no joy of sweetness. Appetite will decrease, satiety will remain. In 13 days, I will be slimmer. I conjure you the moon: increase, decrease, do not forget me! So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!”.

Full Moon Spell for Weight Loss The mysterious power of the moon manifests especially during the full moon. It is best to perform the ritual on Monday or Friday. Before the procedure, read the text carefully, but rather memorize it so as not to stumble during the ritual and say the phrase with confidence. This must be done in front of an open window. The plot itself on the full moon to lose weight: “As you, Mother – the Moon, from this moment decreases, my weight begins to melt away, fullness goes away. You, Moon, you decline and melt my fat. The Round Moon will turn into a thin month and my fullness will disappear completely. Amen”.

Soap plot for the next ritual: you will need the most common unscented baby soap and a linen washcloth. You should also prepare a clean white towel, preferably a new one. The soap is not only for washing. You should wipe yourself with a towel after the procedure and use a washcloth during the procedure. The very conspiracy for soap is pronounced at dawn: “Soap-soap, wash stronger, Soap -soap, wash faster, I’ll rub my skin with you, I’ll do it, then I’ll lose weight every time Slimming cure before bed Another unusual option is a plot to lose weight before bed It is made with a glass of water and the following words – “Warm water, take my fat away with you. Remove the excess from me, leave thinness. Make your sleep sound and your body slim. Me healthy and beautiful. Make the water flow but drop the weight and not come back. So be it.” It remains only to wash with water and go to bed immediately.

Conspiracy on water for weight loss to perform the following ritual: you will need an ode from a pure source, lit in the church. There you also need to buy 12 candles. A conspiracy of water for weight loss is carried out on the waning moon as follows: In the evening, take a glass of illuminated water, put it in front of you with a lighted candle. Mentally try to imagine achieving the cherished form. The result will depend on it. Then calmly and measuredly read the following text – “The water is violent, it flows back and forth, do not run, help me. Take my weight with it, run away, water, water, this is not my problem, take away the troubles, I will not find sorrow. At the end, extinguish the candle and drink water in one gulp”. Repeat the procedure for 12 days without skipping.

Appetite Conspiracy

Free Stock Photo of Glass of Water | Download Free Images and Free IllustrationsThis ritual will help you deal with your appetite. For the ceremony, you will need a belt or some other object, for example, a cross. A plot against the appetite for him is carried out at midnight during the waning moon. It is necessary to read the following about the talisman – “I conjure the queen of heaven to accept a gift from me. I give (so many) kilograms. Let those who need it take it. And another reward awaits me. The body is slender, like a camp of birches. The figure is graceful, like that of a deer, the beauty is lazy, not earthly. Amen”. This article should be with you every day.

Conspiracy to lose weight on a candle: in all magic rituals, candles were almost always used. With their help, prayers are also performed. To conduct a conspiracy to lose weight on a candle, you will need to prepare another mirror and a needle. Then you need to wait until midnight and do the following: Place a mirror and three candles in front of you. On each, pre-doodle using the number of extra pounds with a needle. Then light the first candle and read the following words – “I light my candle – I get rid of fat. There is no more place for him in my life. Farewell, evaporate, get out of my destiny. So be it”. Repeat the same with the remaining two candles. A strong conspiracy to lose weight from Vanga on the advice of clairvoyant Vanga, women can even make conspiracies on their own. This is more like whispers for weight loss. They are used in almost every situation. A strong Vanga weight loss conspiracy sounds like this: “The hunger of constipation sleeps in the ocean-sea. Three whales do not let him not go out. He will not find a hungry servant (name) of the Lord. Terrible misfortune calms down, dissolves in the morning mist. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord to the slender slave (name). Eyes sleep do not caress the food. The nights melt in the morning and hunger drags behind the body, do not trouble it, do not break it. It is said in the night, hunger is silent! Amen!”.

Consequences of conspiracies to lose weight If you are only a beginner in the field of conspiracies, do not rush to abuse it. It is important to see the first reaction and then decide whether to continue practicing this weight loss method. If suddenly the process went too fast, you should not panic, because it can cause even more harm. Just stop doing the slimming ritual and soon everything will be back to normal. The main thing in any situation is to control emotions. Then the unpredictable consequences of weight loss conspiracies will not affect you. If not, it is important to believe in what you say and start working on yourself. Without changing the diet and lifestyle, the effect cannot be achieved. Only through your own efforts can you see a positive result – confidence and long-awaited harmony.


Basic Rules for Rituals Performing rituals requires attention and concentration on the purpose of the magical action being performed. The order of the ritual should be observed to the smallest detail, since the very mood of losing weight and the sequence of actions are in themselves a virtual “gateway” to a certain information sphere, where, in fact, information about the desire to acquire a slender figure will be sent. Therefore, do not neglect small things like “pouring water at three intersections” or “burying something under an oak tree”.


Several effective rituals Here is one of the few rituals for the waxing moon (for those who want to rely solely on prayers to lose weight). From the new moon, every day before going to sleep, one must read the “Our Father”, until the last day before the full moon. On the indicated day (on the eve of the full moon, you need to look at the lunar calendar), the prayer is read three times, after which, looking at the moon, say: “What I look at will be added, what I caress, it will come off.”


“You’re chubby, I’m not far behind, you’re on the decline and I’m behind you. You are good, and I am even prettier. I whisper darling words; I want an hourglass figure. You will grow in the future, and I will find harmony” The plot should be spoken while going out and looking at the moon. On the waning moon, you can perform such a ceremony. Undress, pour water into a basin, look in the water and read 12 times: My fat goes away with the moon. Take, moon, my fullness, make me thin and thin. After the twelfth pronunciation, place yourself in the basin, pour over the spoken water. Collect all the water that remains in the basin and pour it out at three intersections.

Another strong conspiracy to wash the water is read on the waning moon. Before going to bed, pour water into the basin, pronounce the conspiracy to lose weight so that the breath touches the water: Lord help, Lord blesses. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan There is a bed, on this bed there is a down bed. On this pig’s featherbed rests, my fat guards. This pig has two heads, three heads, About four heads, about five heads, About six heads, about seven heads, About eight heads, with nine heads, With nine mouths. Eat my fat first Eat the second head of my fat, Eat my fat with the third head Eat my fat with the fourth head Eat my fat with your fifth head, Eat the sixth head of my fat Eat my fat with the seventh head , Eat my fat with the eighth head, And the ninth will eat all my fat, He will take hold of my fat. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen Now you must very carefully, with plenty of water, bathe and lie down. Empty the water. For the next fairly effective ritual for rapid weight loss, you need to buy a comb. It is bought on Saturday, two red candles will still be needed, the ceremony itself takes place in the morning (Friday or Monday). You have to wash in cold water, then put candles in front of you and light them. Place a comb in front of them.

Looking at her, one must imagine oneself slender, graceful, in tight-fitting clothes. Then close your eyes and see yourself with an inner eye. The presentation should be filled with positive, joy, one should imagine how shocked everyone will be at the result, the result of one’s actions should be perceived as a done deal.

Once you have watched the “movie”, you have to open your eyes, look at the comb and say this: As a comb removes lice, the fat would disappear! As the nits evaporate, my weight evaporates too! The pig will become big and fat, and my body will become slim and prettier! Amen! The plot is read three times, then the comb should be hidden under the pillow. It is necessary to charge the comb monthly, reciting a spell as written above. From time to time, it should be used: slowly comb your hair, presenting your harmony and beauty. The rest of the time, the comb should be under the pillow. A delicious ritual with charmed honey will make the weight loss process much more pleasant and useful (if you remember the benefits of honey). Buy a jar of liquid natural honey. Choose Monday on the waning moon and pronounce this pot of honey with the following text: To be beautiful for me, to be thin! Take all the fat off me, take all the fat off me! Do not get fat, do not live with a lot of weight. He is going to leave me, run away, fly away and never come back! Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful! Like a thin birch, like an aspen, I should be thin. Like a graceful swan, like a gentle dove, so I should be thin! I will speak, I will bewitch myself, I will treat you with magical honey! Be the only way, no other way! My word is law! My words are true! Amen! Now the morning will start with a teaspoon of honey, it will need to be diluted with water. The process itself is not fast, if the honey is eaten, the next pot should be pronounced.