Before you begin your New Moon rituals, take a few minutes to prepare and cleanse yourself. Light a stick of white sage and let the smoke envelop your body and cleanse your sacred space (remember to open the window to let the negative energies evaporate). You can also take a bath before starting your rituals. Pour in some sea salt, herbs and a few drops of your top choice essential oils. Once your bath is finished, visualize all the negative energies leaving with the water.
Surround yourself with your favorite crystals and take a few minutes to meditate and ground yourself. Light a candle and let’s go!
Vows are usually written 24 to 48 hours after the New Moon. Take a sheet or a notebook and write down your wishes, aims and desires for this new cycle (1 standard wish per line).
It is advisable to write your wishes in the present, in the first person and especially in a positive way. Think of thanking the Universe as if you had already been heard and answered. Promote is in intent.
Take advantage of this second to express your appreciation and note what you want to detach yourself from.
Once all your wishes are listed, read the list aloud, like up-sides attestations. You can burn (flame consideration) or keep your greeting card.