Contrary to popular belief, sexuality for seniors is not a taboo. Moreover, nearly 50% of seniors report having a sexuality as intense (or even more intense) than when they were younger. Seniors can also be very inventive when it comes to sexual position. Here is our top 10 most popular naughty positions with seniors or to try absolutely after 60 years.

The “reverse”

Mamasutra: The Kamasutra For MumsIn this position, the woman stands on top of her partner but tilts her upper body backwards. The man lies on his back and lets himself be guided by his partner. It’s a way for the woman to let herself go and thus give free rein to her pleasure.


The missionary

Position du missionnaire - Magicmaman.comClassic position par excellence, the missionary is very simple to put into practice. The man lies down on the woman, herself on her back, and moves back and forth, more or less quickly according to his desire. However, you have to be careful if you have back problems, so as not to risk injury.



Sex Positions in Bed To Get Pregnant: How To Get Pregnant With PicturesNirvana is a sexual position particularly suitable for seniors aged 60 and over. If you suffer from joint pain then, it may be wise to bet on this kind of position to keep a fulfilling and pain-free sexuality.

To reach Nirvana, the woman must lie on her back with her legs stretched out and her arms above her head. Monsieur puts himself in the missionary position. It is a fairly simple position and does not require the most sensitive parts of the body to be strained, such as the joints or the back. This position also allows you to keep a close proximity with your partner, which can only be beneficial.


The spoon

How to make love to pose "Spoons"This is a position requiring little physical effort and no contorted contortion, but it is not a “plan-plan” position. If you are unfamiliar with the spoon, then now is the time to try this position.

To do this, both the man and the woman lie on their side. The man must stick against his partner, behind her back. This allows the man to keep his hands free and caress his partner as he pleases. It can also allow him to rediscover his partner’s body, even if they have been married for many years.


the elephant

L'éléphant - Positions du KamasutraDirectly inspired by the animal world, this position has some significant advantages for seniors.

The woman lies on her stomach and the man lies on her back, leaning on his forearms. Penetration then takes place from behind and ultimately requires little effort. The man must be vigilant and distribute his weight well so as not to crush his partner but not to hurt himself either.


The Andromache but revisited

kamasutra sénіоr assise dоs tournéThis time, it is the woman who finds herself on top of the man who is lying on his back. The woman therefore retains all the power here and can manage the penetration or the speed of the movement herself.

After 60 years, small complexes can appear if the skin of the belly is less tense since the pregnancies or if the chest tends to sag a little. So to avoid making love in the dark, it is possible to opt for pretty lingerie (without going to the extreme) or a small light camisole. Thus, the partner can caress the body of his wife without being hindered in his movements and modesty is well respected.


The slightly modified reverse cowgirl

kamasutra sénіоr соwgіrl inverséeIf the man has spinal problems, then this is the perfect position.

To be perfectly safe, the man must be lying on his back, flat. It is possible to place a cushion to avoid lower back pain. The woman sits down with her back to him and bends her knees. His position must be stable so as not to hurt himself or hurt his partner. This position allows the woman to control the rhythm during intercourse.


The neophyte

kamasutra sénіоr lе néophyteIt is a perfect position for the spine of both men and women. Easy to do and pleasant, it also has the benefit of strengthening the lumbar and gluteal muscles.

To do this position well, the woman must lie on her back, bend her knees and rest her weight on her feet. She also has to raise her pelvis. To avoid pain, it is possible for him to put a pillow under his buttocks. This relieves the spine.

The man is then on his knees, facing the woman and it is he who manages the movement.


The lateral position

kamasutra sеnіоr lе latéralThis position is recommended for women with hip problems, particularly in the joints. The lateral position recommends that the woman lies on her stomach. The partner should kneel between the woman’s legs and put one of his legs outward. Here it is the man who controls the power of the movement by pushing his outside leg forward.

It is a position that can also be useful when the man has undergone hip surgery such as arthroplasty.


The truce

kamasutra sénіоr lа trêveThis is also another sexual position that is good for the joints, especially those of the hip and the spine.

To put it into practice, the woman, lying on her back, must put her legs above the hips of the man, lying on his side. The woman tightens her thighs which allows greater enjoyment of both partners. It requires little effort, is gentle on the joints and allows partners to create a special bond between them and enjoy a beautiful closeness.


It is quite possible to maintain a fulfilling sexuality, even after 60!