Definition of night husbands and wives.
Night husbands and wives are still called, in African tradition, male and female geniuses. They bond and attach themselves sentimentally, conjugally to the men and women of the earth.
They are, in fact, generally currents of unfavorable subtle matter or disembodied spirits, attracted, in accordance with the law of attraction of affinities, by sexual desires and impulses born of bad associations, bad advice, unhealthy readings…
The disembodied spirits, bound to the earth, by their vile inclinations, their desire to satisfy sexual needs, cling to the living. They thus participate in intuitions with the latter in the pleasures of the flesh and, by feeling some of these pleasures intuitively, satisfy their inclinations.
How do you know if you are a victim of night husbands and wives?
Do you often have erotic dreams? Do you sometimes have difficulty finding or keeping a soul mate, stabilizing yourself emotionally or maritally?
Do you have frequent domestic scenes that usually end in beatings, wounds, name-calling, name-calling, or divorce?
Are you inexplicably losing or separating from your loved one, husbands or wives? Do you have morbid, inexplicable inclinations for the pleasures of the flesh? etc.
If you answer yes to most of these questions and especially if you have frequent sexual relations in your dream with a stranger or a person who takes on the appearance of a friend ), an acquaintance, your husband or your wife, you may be the victim of a night husband or wife.