Best Love Spells - Improve Your Relationships & Experiences With Others -  Baltimore MagazineTo get started, you need a new, unused pink candle, a sheet of white paper, and a pen of your favorite color.

Find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted and sit down. Clear your mind of all thoughts about the day and push all negativity out of your mind. Remember that you have to be open to love for a love spell to work.

Make sure you have cleared all the blocks in your mind and are truly ready to cast a white magic spell.
Light the pink candle on a Friday night.
Write your first name and the other person’s last name on the white sheet of paper.
Draw a single circle around both names.
Close your eyes and think of the two of you together. Focus on the picture. Visualize your happiness and love together.
Repeat three times the following incantation: “our fate is sealed. We are one, so be it. It’s done” .
Watch over the pink candle for fifteen minutes or until it goes out. Make sure the candle is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended. You can put out the candle, but don’t blow it out, or you’ll break the spell.
You can use a larger pink candle and repeat the spell for seven consecutive nights.