Take back control of a situation
Practice it in the waning moon.
You must have:
a sheet of paper,
- a new pencil or marker
- hot pepper (cayenne or West Indian) or cayenne pepper
- a pair of thick gloves (for chilli or pepper)
If you are experiencing a situation that escapes you (at work for example in relation to a colleague who puts a spoke in your wheels).
Describe on your sheet what is happening to you with the identity of the person then draw a circle around it to “enclose” the situation, then impregnate everything with chilli or sprinkle with pepper, always with the gloves on!!!
Fold everything and say 7 times:
“thanks to this ritual impregnated with cayenne pepper (or chilli)
I regain control of the situation that escapes me because of….(say the identity of the person).
May all the energies and forces of the universe support me and consolidate my situation”