Jar of love:
To sweeten the feelings towards you: take a jar, some honey, a piece of pink paper and a pink candle.
Put the name and first name of the person in the jar, cover everything with honey and light your pink candle, do this ritual on a waxing or full moon, on a Friday evening (Venus day).
Let the candle go out on its own but stay close to watch it!!!
You can say: “Venus, beautiful goddess protector of loves, help me that….. feels for me sweeter feelings, that he shows signs of affection and attachment towards me, that so be it, thank you for listening to me”.
Keep the jar as long as necessary out of sight.
Jar of Banishment:
To remove a troublesome person and you wish to banish them from your life: take a jar that will withstand the heat, some tomato sauce, black pepper or cayenne pepper, a piece of black paper on which you will write with a red pen, this ritual is to be practiced in the waning moon for 7 days.
Prepare your tomato sauce as hot as possible, pour it carefully into the jar but before putting the paper with the name and surname of the person to be banned, close the jar tightly then with kitchen gloves, take the jar and shake the, you will shake the jar for 7 days and on the last day, put the jar in a black plastic bag and throw it in the dumpster.
You can also use vinegar and proceed in the same way, of course, do not heat the vinegar!!!
Jar for Prosperity:
For cash receipts: take a jar, 9 coins of 10 cents, 9 cloves, a green or yellow paper: on the sheet of paper put your name and first name and that you want cash receipts to come relieve your difficult end of the month. Leave the jar within sight so that your thoughts continue to carry your ritual. Do this ritual on a waxing moon or a full moon.