As you know, erections occur due to the accumulation of blood in the cavernous and spongy body of your penis, as if it were a sponge. In general, most foods that improve blood pressure, blood circulation in blood vessels are beneficial for the heart can also help improve the performance of your penis.
There are foods that can improve blood circulation and blood pressure (blood flow), helping you to have strong and long-lasting erections. Adding the foods that we present below to your diet (without overdoing it) will help you improve your health and the performance of your male sex.
If you like spice, you’re in luck. Cayenne pepper, red pepper, or pink pepper cause a reaction in the body that causes the blood to circulate faster.
This reaction not only improves blood circulation and carries oxygen to the cells, but also cleans the veins and arteries.
1. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper speeds up metabolism, helps burn more fat and calories throughout the day, making it an ideal addition to weight loss diets. It has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve joint pain.
As if that were not enough, it is also a natural repellent for certain types of insects.
2. Broccoli
We all know that vegetables are the staple foods in a healthy, balanced diet. Green vegetables and especially broccoli and spinach bring great benefits to your body.
Two of these benefits are blood thinning effects and dilation of capillaries to improve blood circulation. Greater and smoother blood flow to the penis will produce hard erections and better performance during sex.
If you like spice, you can combine broccoli and spinach with oil and a pinch of cayenne pepper. A combination that will bring great benefits to your body.
3. Ginger
Ginger is a very common tuber in Asia and in addition to improving blood circulation and preventing cardiovascular disease, it also helps fight symptoms of colds, sore throats, nausea and premature aging caused by stress. .
A great way to get ginger is to add it to a cup of hot tea, along with a teaspoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon if desired. A popular drink in Asia is also lemonade with ginger, honey and cayenne pepper. An explosive mix of flavors to get in shape.
4. Dark Chocolate
For sweets lovers, this may be the best news of all. Chocolate has always been known to be “the food of love”.
Eating chocolate produces well-being. Cocoa contains a substance called phenylethylamine, which produces a feeling of euphoria and pleasure in the brain. Chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants that help cleanse the body and improve blood circulation, including in the penis.
You just have to be very careful not to overdo this delicacy, because chocolate is a food that brings a huge amount of calories to the body, but many of these calories are unhealthy in large quantities (sugars and fats).
5. Banana
Bananas are another very healthy food for our body and are not only used to film tutorials on how to put on a condom or use a penis extender. They provide us with a good amount of sodium and potassium, minerals essential for the functioning of our body and to prevent cramps and also to help improve blood circulation.
6. Fish
Fish is a food that should not be missing in any diet and in fact doctors recommend taking it at least 3 times a week. It is one of the best foods to provide our body with omega 3. It prevents cardiovascular disease and other heart conditions and helps improve blood circulation and overall health.
Omega 3 are very beneficial for our body and indeed for those who do not regularly consume fish, it is recommended to include an omega 3 supplement in the diet in order to benefit from the same benefits.
7. Onion
Do you like onions gentlemen? That’s good! You will love it even more now that you know that onions help increase blood flow to the penis which results in better erection. Indeed, one of its many properties is to prevent blood clotting. You will therefore have understood it, if the blood vessels receive fluid blood, the erection will only be more effective. In addition, its aphrodisiac properties of the white onion variety, should not displease you.
8. Watermelon
Watermelon contains an organic compound called citrulline. Citrulline has the ability to relax capillaries and improve blood circulation. Apart from this, for its citrulline content, watermelon is also famous to be a natural Viagra.
It is also a food that provides heart benefits, is refreshing and contains large amounts of water, helping to hydrate our bodies.
9. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is another “miracle” fruit that brings tremendous benefits to the circulatory system of our body in general. Among the dozens of properties contained in the ‘Punica granatum’, more commonly the pomegranate, we will retain here for this purpose, that which makes it possible to treat erectile dysfunction and infertility.
Regular consumption of pomegranate juice causes increased blood flow to the penis. This property is entitled to the antioxidants of pomegranate juice which promote the optimal functioning of blood vessels, among others, in the region of the penis.
10. Spinach
This edible flowering plant of Persian origin is a natural food for penis enlargement. A potent source of magnesium, which dilates blood vessels for smooth blood flow to the penis. Regular consumption of spinach can easily help you increase penis size, body girth and achieve iron hard cures.
Can Natural Foods Help Increase Penis Size?
As we said at the beginning of our article, none of the foods alone will add inches to your penis. But it is extremely important that you include these foods or a combination of them in your daily diet to help improve blood circulation in your member and prevent cardiovascular problems, as well as improve erections.
How many of the foods listed above are included in your diet?
If the answer is none or very few, our suggestion is to try including more of these foods in your meals. If you cannot or cannot include these foods in your diet, you can also use a multivitamin supplement.
If your goal is to increase your penis size naturally, you can do so by supplementing a good diet with manual exercises like the ones we recommend on our site.
If you have the consistency to train your penis every day and also follow a balanced diet, you can increase your sexual potential and have stronger and longer lasting erections.