The best way to boost your fertility is to not be in a hurry about your desire for a baby, continue to live as usual, sometimes it’s psychological blocks and stress that prevent you from getting pregnant quickly…
Certainly we are no less fertile than our grand guardians. But our too often abused lifestyle and our anxiety are responsible for falsely perceived declining procreative exhibitions among modern couples. To optimize your chances of getting pregnant, follow these tips:
Promote first, give yourself a year before you worry about getting pregnant fast! In terms of fertility, it is most often useless to consult before a fruitless attempt with regular affinities to know that stress disrupts sexual chemicals.
You have to start making love at the right second, most often conceivable between the third day before and the third day after ovulation. It is to desperate upon the release of a fertilizable egg in the uterus. Usually this is around day 14 of the cycle (counting from the head day of the period).
Medical experts recommend the couple to do the doggy style position to get pregnant quickly!
After each affinity, wait at least 10min before getting up, this is the time it takes for sperm to pass the cervix.
Do not hesitate to cuddle in the hours that follow, according to some recent studies, it can increase your fertility to get pregnant quickly!
Stop tobacco and alcohol which decrease fertility in both men and women to get pregnant quickly…
Make sure you have the most balanced sustenance possible, which will improve the quality of cervical mucus and sperm. Skipping meals and trough too much sugar is not good for your line. The increase in the level of sugar in the blood causes the excessive secretion of a chemical, adrenaline, which then interacts against progesterone, a chemical which prepares the uterus for a possible pregnancy.
A small homeopathic treatment can help you increase the quantity and quality of mucus, the quality of the cervix, talk to your pharmacist or your homeopath to increase your fertility.
Stop the draconian diets. Women subjected to low-calorie restrictive diets lose weight but the hormonal impact of these diets can decrease fertility. If you want to lose weight, plan your diet a few months before trying to get pregnant.
Opt to stock up on terrific mother’s tips and recipes! To be consumed without moderation, but to be analyzed with a little hindsight… and derision. Implantation of sage, consumption of garlic, asparagus, fennel and ginseng would stimulate the reproductive organs. As for your man, teach him that the apple, with its vitamin C, is the super of sperm.
Finally, the best way to boost your fertility is to not be in a hurry about your desire for a baby, continue to live as usual, sometimes it is psychological blocks and stress that prevent you from getting pregnant quickly.