
– 1 transparent glass bottle with airtight cap

– 1 silver candle

– 1 square of white paper of 10 cm side

– 1 blue ballpoint pen

– 3 tablespoons of white alcohol (rum, vodka, gin, etc.)

– 3 drops of blue (or green) food coloring (see Comment 3)

– 1 tablespoon of coarse sea salt

– 1 small bowl

– 1 teaspoon

– 20 cm of blue ribbon

– Spring water


  • On a First Quarter or Last Quarter Moon Day (see Commentary 4), preferably in the evening, light the candle and then turn off all the other lights in the room. Focus your gaze on the flame of the candle for 1 minute.
  • Using the ballpoint pen, write very legibly on the paper: “I would like to have a good trip”. (See Comment 5.)
  • Roll the paper into the shape of a cigarette, with the text inside. Tie the roll with the ribbon, then drop it into the bottle.
  • Mix the alcohol, salt, and food coloring well in the bowl using the spoon. Then pour the mixture into the bottle, add spring water to fill the bottle three-quarters full (see Comment 6).
  • Now, present the bottle to the flame of the candle by pronouncing five times the following incantation, slowly and aloud: “I entrust my wish to all the gods and goddesses, to all the angels and archangels. this wish, which I will freeze in the cold. So be it!”.
  • Close the bottle tightly and place it in the freezer (or ice cube compartment of your refrigerator).
  • On the day of the next solstice or equinox (see Commentary 7), remove the bottle and bury it under a tree (see Commentary 8).



  1. The strength of this ritual is proportional to the strength of your belief in it.
  2. This ritual is particularly effective in helping you have a good trip.
  3. Food coloring can be found in the baking aisle of supermarkets.
  4. Every 29 or 30 days there is a First Quarter Moon and a Last Quarter Moon. The neighborhoods are indicated in the ephemeris calendars (postal calendar or office diary block, for example) by small crescents: the crescent whose back is turned towards your right side symbolizes the First Quarter, while the crescent whose back is turned to your left side symbolizes the Last Quarter. Sometimes First Quarters are denoted simply by “PQ”, and Last Quarters by “DQ”.
  5. If you are a believer, you can pray now for a few minutes; the simplest words will be the best. You can also indulge in a brief meditation.
  6. Do not fill the bottle more than three quarters full, otherwise it may burst from freezing.
  7. In general, the winter solstice occurs on December 21; the summer solstice, June 21; the vernal equinox, March 21; and the autumnal equinox, September 21. But it can happen that these astronomical events take place the day before or the day after these dates. To be certain, consult an ephemeris calendar (post office calendar or office diary, for example). In such a calendar, the day of the winter solstice, for example, is often indicated simply by the word “Winter”.
  8. If you cannot bury the bottle, wrap it carefully in a plastic bag before throwing it in the trash.
  9. The beneficial effects of this ritual could begin to be felt as soon as the bottle is buried and remain in effect for 6 months.