Very effective tip to attract customers. Sugar: the facts - NHS

You have a restaurant where you sell food whether you have a coffee bar or a coffee bar you would like to attract the crowd of customers. Cut some bark from a tree where people sit in groups where almost everyone remains. Then burn and add a piece of sugar, then mix the powder with water and spray the place of business, or put the powder in a thin poplin like cloth, then dip it in sugary water and attach it somewhere so that the water leaks. It’s very effective every day your corner will be filled with customers.



USDA lowers US sugar supply slightly | 2021-05-13 | Baking BusinessBut why do some people consider themselves luckier than others? Luck is therefore not just the result of chance. It results above all from the way in which we transform the fortuitous into an opportunity. it’s the way we take life. Many still doubt and sometimes wonder if they have the chance? Luck is granted to everyone and it’s up to you to know how to activate it. I am still giving you a superb powder of luck that will surely serve you Far from thinking that it is God who gives luck, let us also recognize that man must also create conditions that can bring him great luck.Ingredients-Clove-16 sugar cubes Preparation.

Crush the clove to have a fine powder, also crush the sugar cubes and mix the two powders thoroughly Pour the powder into a bottle. Manual Lap (drip) the powder in the mornings and say your good luck wishes and you will be luckier.


Sugar is also a talisman that ensures success

10 things to know about sugar | CBC NewsTake a small sachet of sugar, slip it for example in your wallet or your purse

Thanks to its magical virtues you will never suffer from poverty.